raw / oatmeal raisin + cacao nib cookies

raw oatmeal + rasin + cacao cookies | what's cooking good looking
raw oatmeal + rasin + cacao cookies | what's cooking good looking

I fell off the health wagon a couple of months ago. We've all been there before, right? For me it usually happens at the end of the summer and again at the end of the holidays, when the social life is in full swing, and temptations are all around. So, here we are, the end of summer and beginning of fall, and my achy body is calling me back .... big time.

I go through phases where I am uber-healthy, but then when life gets busy, I slowly start to pick up little bad habits one by one. Eating out (too much), picking up a gluten-free pastry from the coffee shop because I am too busy to make myself a smoothie (p.s. there is always time to make a smoothie), stocking my pantry with quick to eat things (i.e. too much junk), drinking that extra glass or two of red wine (because ... why not), and just all-around not-so-good habits that go with a busy life. 

I am not a huge fan of dextoxing, especially in the juice cleanse form. I have never done a cleanse in my life, I just don't believe in it. Also, I don't think I could go a whole day without eating solid food …. I would likely end up in jail or divorced by the end of the day. It's just not for me. 

I am a huge fan of bringing things back in check. I genuinely enjoy living healthy and clean, so when the balance is off, I am anxious to get back to it. That usually means getting rid of any junk that may have made it's way in my home, not eating out as much, cutting back on things like refined carbs and my beloved pasta dishes, and the delicious glass of wine that goes with it.

But really it's all about cooking good, clean, healthy meals for myself and my fam as much as possible.  It's what I love to do, so I am happy to get back to these kinds of habits. And, if I sneak that glass of wine back in on the weekend, it's that much more enjoyable. 


In celebration of things getting back on tract, I am making these RAW cookies. Because making a raw cookie is the perfect way to celebrate the balance between good and good for you. 

As with most raw desserts, they will never completely replicate the experience of the food item they are trying to be, but if they taste delicious and are good for you too, then who cares.  A raw cookie is never going to taste like a warm, baked cookie straight out of the oven. It's got it's own special thing going on. It's more like eating the cookie dough than the cookie, so if you are one of those people who likes to dip your finger in the cookie batter, then these healthy little bites are especially for you.  

raw oatmeal + rasin + cacao cookies | what's cooking good looking
raw oatmeal + rasin + cacao cookies | what's cooking good looking
raw oatmeal + rasin + cacao cookies | what's cooking good looking
raw oatmeal + rasin + cacao cookies | what's cooking good looking

raw / oatmeal raisin + cacao nib cookies

MAKES 6-8 cookies


1 cup of rolled oats (gf if oats if necessary)
1 cup of cashews
2 tablespoons of flax seeds
2 tablespoons of hemp seeds
1/4 cup of almond butter
1/4 cup of maple syrup 
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla bean powder (or extract)
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg
a pinch of sea salt
2 tablespoons of cacao nibs
1/4 cup of raisins


  • Place the oats, cashews, hemp, and flaxseeds into a food processor. Pulse several times until you have a fine, crumbly mixture. 
  • Then add the almond butter, maple syrup, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt, and pulse until you have a smooth, doughy mixture. 
  • Remove the mixture from the food processor and place into a mixing bowl. Stir in the cacao nibs and raisins. 
  • Have a parchment lined baking sheet nearby. Take a small handful of the mixture and roll it between the palm of your hands and then flatten it down on the baking sheet to form the cookie. Do this until all of the cookies have been formed. You should have 6-8. 
  • Place the cookies in the freezer for 10 minutes before eating so they have a chance to firm up. They will hold together better this way when eating. For longer term storage, you can store them in the freezer in an air-tight container for a couple of months. Remove them from the fridge and allow them to warm up slightly for the best texture.